Crane In The Skies

The series follows the life of Asya Solntseva, a teenage girl of a small town called Aviagrad, as she meets her first love at the shindig dedicated to the celebration of the first man going into space. Asya falls in love with Yury Gromov, who’s not just a ladies’ man, but also a conqueror of the skies. Yury works at the local aero club and dreams of becoming a professional pilot. Meanwhile, Asya’s friend and tutor Yasha Spassky, the son of the famous aircraft designer, helps her study for the final exams at school. Yasha is secretly in love with Asya, but her heart belongs to Yury. When Yuri gets enlisted in the army, Asya finds a job as an activity counselor at the camp facility that is located near the military base where Yuri does his military service. All so she could be closer to him. And then she puts a lot of effort to get into the aviation school together with Yury. Finally, they can be together. It seems that nothing can spoil their happiness. However, the circumstances are not in their favor.

After a tiring flight practice in the North, Asya ends up alone with a newborn child to maintain. Asya overestimates her relationship with Yasha Spassky. Eventually, she becomes his wife. They start working together on the construction of the world’s first supersonic passenger aircraft "Crane" under the leadership of Yasha's father. At the prestigious international air show, the aircraft "Crane" piloted by Yasha noses down and starts plummeting to the ground…


Maria Lugovaya
Mikhail Gavrilov
Philippe Gorenstein
Boris Nevzorov
Olga Cabo
Sergey Puskepalis
Igor Philippov
Nikita Abdulov
Vladimir Chuprikov


Sergey Komarov
Inga Viun
Evgeny Matynenko
Victor Budilov
Tatiana Ogorodnikova
Vladimir Utin
Mikhail Rossolko